“What causes skin tags on neck” is a common question that people have when they first detect them on their neck. Skin tags can be found on the skin as well as other body areas such as the neck, upper chest, underarms, and eyelids. These are little, soft skin outgrowths that can develop on any area of the body. They are surrounded by the thicker epidermis and are composed of loose collagen fibers and blood vessels.
Skin tags, on the other hand, are normally painless and harmless. They might be smooth or spherical, and their surface can be smooth or wrinkled and uneven. These can be skin-colored or darker, with lengths ranging from 1mm to 5cm. The neck is one of the most typical places for skin tags to appear. In this post, we will look at what causes skin tags on the neck and how to get rid of skin tags on the neck.
What are Skin Tags?
Several research claims that skin tags sometimes referred to as acrochordons are benign, non-cancerous skin tumors. They consist of fiber and ducts in the core, nerve cells, fat cells, an epidermis covering, and fat cells. A tiny, slender stalk holds them to the skin.
A skin tag is a little, soft patch of skin that hangs down and may have a peduncle, or stalk. They can appear anywhere on the body, but they usually become more obvious when skin rubs against other skin or clothing.
Skin tags are common, especially in people who are getting older. Although they do no harm, if a skin tag is irritating you, you should discuss with your doctor getting it removed.
They frequently have the appearance of a mass of skin tissue growing from a short stem. Sometimes they are darker and can look like a raised mole. While most skin tags range in size from 1 to 5 mm, some can reach a few centimeters in length.
What Causes Skin Tags on Neck? – 7 Main Causes
Skin tags on the neck are the same as those on the rest of the face, the eyelids, the groin, or the armpits. Skin tags on the neck are benign growths that can be found there. They might be smooth or wrinkled in appearance and are often flesh-colored or just a little dark.
Skin tags are a common problem that affects many people, and they normally offer no major health problems. But so far, they can sometimes be uncomfortable and annoying.
The causes of skin tags on the neck might vary, and both aged men and women may get them. Here are some of the known causes of skin tags on the neck:
1. Friction
Friction may be a significant factor in the growth of skin tags on the neck. When the skin rubs against clothing or other objects, skin tags develop.
According to one research, when the neck’s skin rubs against the fabric of garments, it becomes irritated and inflamed, which can result in the development of skin tags on the neck. This is particularly common in people who wear collared shirts or necklaces.
One of the most frequent causes of skin tags on neck is friction, which is especially prevalent in areas of the body where there are skin folds. It’s important to speak with a physician to learn the best course of action for your particular situation if you have skin tags on your neck or other parts of your body.
2. Age
Age is another cause of skin tags on neck. Skin tags are more likely to form as we age because our skin becomes thinner and lacks elasticity. Skin tags can also develop as a result of hormonal changes that come with aging.
Studies have shown that once a skin tag has formed, it may grow larger or more numerous as one age. Nearly two-thirds of people may develop acrochordons (Skin Tags) by their fifth to sixth decade, which typically persist until death.
Skin tags are typically not a problem, but it’s essential to keep an eye on them for changes in size, shape, or color as these could point to a more serious condition. It is recommended to see a dermatologist to rule out any underlying medical conditions if you observe any unusual changes in your skin tags or have any concerns.
3. Genetics
Skin tags on the neck may be caused by genetics in some cases. Due to inherited characteristics, some people may be more prone to having skin tags. According to research, genetics may be involved in the development of skin tags because specific genes may control how quickly skin cells expand.
Skin tags may be more likely to appear on you if your family has a history of having them. While there is no way to stop skin tags from growing, there are a number of treatment options available to get rid of them if they start to trouble you or look unattractive. Based on your unique requirements and medical background, your dermatologist can assist you in choosing the best course of action.
4. Obesity
Another common cause of Skin tags on neck is obesity (Weight Gain). Studies show that When someone is overweight, there is more friction and strain on the skin, especially in places where there are skin folds, like the neck. Skin tags may form as a result of this frequent rubbing and discomfort.
Additionally, insulin resistance, a condition that can increase the production of skin cells, is frequently linked to obesity. This may also aid in the development of skin tags.
Skin tags may be avoided by losing weight, but before starting any weight loss plan, it’s essential to speak with a healthcare professional. Your dermatologist can suggest procedures to help eliminate skin tags if you already have them on your neck or other parts of your body.
5. Pregnancy

Another possible cause of skin tags on neck is pregnancy. Skin tags may develop as a result of hormonal changes that happen during pregnancy that increase the creation of skin cells. Additionally, increased levels of estrogen and progesterone during pregnancy can cause the skin to become more sensitive, making it more susceptible to friction and irritation.
Skin tags that appear during pregnancy may disappear on their own after delivery, but in some instances, they may stay and need to be treated. Based on your unique requirements and medical history, your dermatologist can advise you on the best course of action.
It’s crucial to remember that any skin changes you experience while pregnant should be closely watched and addressed with your doctor to rule out any underlying medical conditions.
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6. Type-2 Diabetes
Acrochordons, or skin tags, are tiny, benign growths that commonly develop on the neck, armpits, and groin regions. Diabetes type 2 is one of the known causes of skin tags on the neck.
According to studies, people with Type 2 diabetes have a higher risk of developing skin tags than people without diabetes. This might be a result of high insulin levels in the blood, which can lead to an expansion of skin cells.
It seems to be related to the body’s resistance to insulin. To prove a direct link between skin tags and type 2 diabetes, more research is needed.
A further factor in the development of skin tags is obesity, which is frequently linked to Type 2 diabetes. Speaking with your healthcare practitioner is crucial if you have Type 2 diabetes and are worried about skin tags on your neck or other parts of your body.
7. Human papillomavirus (HPV)
Skin tags on the neck are common and can cause discomfort for some people. Although the specific cause of skin tags is not fully understood, the human papillomavirus (HPV) is considered one of the potential causes of skin tags on neck.
HPV is a widespread virus that can infect the skin and create a variety of growths, including warts and skin tags. While HPV is not the main cause of skin tags, it is thought to be a contributor in some cases.
After an incubation period, the infected person will begin to have skin problems. The results of the study indicate a link between HPV and skin tags, indicating that such kind of viruses is the primary cause of skin tags.
A dermatologist should be consulted if you have skin tags on your neck in order to identify the root cause and the most appropriate course of action.
How to Get Rid of Skin Tags on Neck? (Natural Remedies)
Skin tags on the neck are generally not harmful, but they can be unattractive and unpleasant. Therefore, if you are looking for natural ways to get rid of skin tags on neck and other body parts, there are several natural remedies you can try. Here are some natural remedies that could be useful in these cases:
1. Apple Cider Vinegar
Soak a Cotton ball in apple cider vinegar and place it over the skin tag. Cover that area with the help of a bandage for 15-30 minutes, and wash the epidermis. Continue doing this every day for a few weeks.
The skin tag falls off as a result of the acidity of apple cider vinegar destroying the tissue that surrounds it.
2. Vitamin E-Liquid or Oil
Skin tags could be influenced by aging. Applying liquid vitamin E on a skin tag can make the growth go away in a few days because vitamin E is an antioxidant that fights wrinkles and keeps the skin healthy.
To get the tag to come off, just gently massage the oil into the surrounding skin.
3. Garlic
Garlic decreases inflammation, which helps the face look better. Apply crushed garlic over the skin tag, then bandage the region overnight to get rid of a skin tag naturally.
In the morning, wash the region. Continue doing this until the skin tag gets smaller and vanishes.
4. Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil, which has antiviral and antifungal qualities, can be applied to the skin without harm if it is diluted in carrier oil.
Wash the region that is affected first. After that, carefully massage the oil over the skin tag with a Q-tip or cotton swab. Cover the region with a bandage for the night. Till the tag dries out and comes off, keep applying this remedy over a few evenings.
How to Prevent Skin Tags on Neck?
To fully understand how to prevent skin tags on the neck, the reason for skin tags must be understood. Although it is challenging to avoid all skin tags on the body, there are a few things you can do to avoid them on your neck and other body areas.
The following skin tag prevention techniques can help you avoid some skin tags while also reducing the overall amount of tags.
- Adhere to a diet that consists primarily of low-calorie, low-saturated-fat foods, as advised by a nutritionist.
- Maintain hydration in your skin folds to reduce friction
- Engage in medium- or high-intensity physical activity five days a week for at least 30 minutes each time.
- Avoid wearing irritable jewelry or apparel (Clothing).
- Skin tags can be avoided if you protect your skin from sun exposure. On your neck and any other exposed skin areas, apply a broad-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher.
Bottom Line
Skin tags on the neck and other body parts are a widespread and relatively harmless skin condition that can affect people. Friction, aging, hormonal changes, genetics, obesity, and other factors are a few of the know causes of skin tags on the neck. They can also be bothersome and unsightly, but they are readily treatable with either medical assistance or natural remedies.
Fortunately, there are effective treatments available to remove skin tags on the neck, and by taking preventive measures, you can reduce your risk of developing them in the future. Therefore, it is crucial to seek expert medical guidance and treatment if you have skin tags on your neck in order to achieve the best results for the health of your skin.
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